Thursday, January 8, 2009

Starling Air Dance

One of the more amazing things I've ever witnessed! I shot a brief video of this Starling Air Dance (as I'm calling it) on Thanksgiving in Healdsburg. Wonder who does the choreography?

Any of you ever seen such a graceful display of aeroballet?

(That's STARLING, Tasha, NOT "SKYRAT"!) ; )

1 comment:

  1. I used to watch that near every time I swam at that pond in Ramona. Before dusk I would do the backstroke just to watch. I was not sure what birds but knew there were many startlings, cowbirds and redwinged blackbirds around when the show began. I never realized what rare moments those were. AND now I see less of those birds in open spaces with water and more startlings at the mall begging for food.


What do you think? Leave your questions of remarks here!