Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fun at Farmer's Market

How lucky are we in Chico to have our fabulous YEAR-ROUND Farmer's Market?!  

I love strolling down the aisles, chatting with friends and asking vendors for ideas about how to cook a particular kind of squash or greens.  Long-time friend Sarah Adams (or one of her equally beautiful sisters, Molly and Emily) is always there with a smile and sample of her Chico Chai (the BEST! A perfect blend of sweetness and spiciness--I heat mine up with vanilla Almond Milk).   I used to babysit those wonderful girls in my previous life as a canyon mama.  It's fun to see them "all growed up" and enjoying life.

With movements like "Think Local, Chico" and "10% Shift" gaining momentum, it's obvious that people are becoming more aware of the importance (both for our local economy AND for the planet) of making more of their purchases closer to home.  So get your fresh fruits & veggies (maybe pick up a new Chico Bag to haul them in) this Saturday morning, then reward yourself with a nice, steamy cuppa chai or coffee, either there or at one of our great locally-owned coffee shops or eateries!

The Saturday Market is located in the parking lot at Second St. and Wall, from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., rain or shine. (Thursday Market runs April - September in downtown Chico, and Wed. Market runs June - Oct. at the North Valley Plaza Mall, Corner of East Ave. & Pillsbury, near Tinseltown movie theater.)

Check out my Flickr page for a few more fun photos.

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