Ok, I admit it; I'm a hopeless Chicophile. My dear brother-in-law Jim was recently visiting from the Portland area. I took him to our fabulous Farmer's Market and then to a favorite local coffee shop afterwards. Naturally, we ran into a number of friends and acquaintances of mine along the way (it's Chico after all!). And, as usual, each one of these fine folks (upon learning Jim was from out of town) spent a portion of their conversation extolling the virtues of life in Chico. It didn't even phase me; after all, doesn't everyone LOVE Chico? After several of these encounters, Jim confided in me that he and my sister have a little running joke about Chico being "Stepford," full of Chicoans roaming this quaint little hamlet, intoning over and over, "Don't you just LOVE Chico?"
I have to admit, I had to laugh at that and had to somewhat agree with his observation. But really, I mean, don't you just LOVE Chico? ; )
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