I was out hanging sheets to dry today on my "solar clothes dryer" (don't you love the smell of line-dried sheets?) when a tiny flash of white caught my eye. Wow! The little bare root "fruit salad" tree planted just a few weeks before (by my handy friend Evan) already had a few blossoms! (Of course, I insisted he shovel a few scoops of my great homegrown compost into the soil, which I'm sure helped nurture this little beauty.)
I had called around to the various nurseries here in Chico to find mine and ended up going to Hodge's Nursery (9681 Midway, Durham), where I received great service and helpful information. (Dangerour places, those nurseries...it's like walking into a Ben & Jerry's after fasting for three days!) But I limited my purchase that day to the fruit salad tree. (The blossoms are popping out on the Santa Rosa plum and Independence nectarine branches; the other two branches are Elberta peach and bleinheim apricot.)
I noticed plenty of bee activity on my nearby rosemary, so let's hope for some fresh-from-the-garden fruit salad this year!
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