Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jesus Center - SI/Chico Field Trip

About 30 members of our local Soroptimist International of Chico club had the privilege of touring the Jesus Center facilities recently (1297 Park Ave., Chico, CA). What an impressive and dedicated group of people! According to Executive Director Bill Such (who is a dynamic and entertaining public speaker, by the way), over 93,000 meals were served to those in need in 2008. Dedicated to feeding (and now housing and clothing) Chico's hungry and homeless, The Jesus Center opened its doors in the early 1980s. Through the commitment of its staff and many, many volunteers (including members of our S/I Chico club along with other community service organizations), the Center expanded to include the shelter, Sabbath House, in 2002 (which houses an average of 18 women and children a month), and "The Free Store," where folks in need are given credit each month to "shop" for clothing and shoes.
My family and I have joined other S/I Chico members in helping to serve meals over the years, and I have to say, it's a very rewarding experience (and such a simple thing to do; just an hour and a half!). Many of these folks have come on hard times and are so grateful for a hot meal and the friendly, non-judgmental atmosphere provided by the Center.
One time I was serving, and a weary-looking woman came through the food line with her young son (about my son's age at the time, 12 or 13). They had just arrived from somewhere up north and were inquiring about shelter for the night. I have no idea what their story was, but I'll never forget the anxious look on the boy's face as his mom was advised the Center may not be able to accommodate them that night. Talk about heart breaking!
To find out more about volunteering at The Jesus Center, click here or email Volunteer Coordinator Debra Howell at . Donations of money, food and clothing can be made delivered to The Jesus Center 8:30 to 4:00, Mon. through Fri. (1297 Park Ave.)
Click here to view a few photos from our S/I Chico tour. (Once in Flickr, click on "Slide Show" in upper right to start.)

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