Monday, December 7, 2009

Things a Burglar Won't Tell You

Ever mentioned on Facebook that you are (or will be) out of town? Ever wonder whether burglars use Facebook?  Read these tips from actual burglars (from Reader' to help protect your home and possessions, especially during the holiday season.  Many of us have used a timer to turn lights on automatically while we're gone, but here's a product that takes it a step further:  FakeTV.  Sells for $35 and, according to the company, uses 50 times less energy than a real TV.  Check out this YouTube video:


  1. As the Owner of the local Chico business Bidwell Lock And Key, I can’t stress highly enough the importance of re-keying the locks when purchasing a home. This is a simple, low cost service that is all too often overlooked.

  2. So true, Paul! I recommend it to my clients. I like your biz, by the way, and have referred people to it!


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