Monday, January 18, 2010

Lou Mars: Drummer or Bionic Man?

I keep feeling compelled to check the livestream of local Chico drummer Lou Mars to watch his progress in his attempt to beat the Guinness World Record for marathan drumming.  He's amazing!  According to the web site, as I write he's on Day 5, Hour 104 in his effort to break the current record of 120 hours.  It's all to raise awareness of the importance of keeping music in our schools.

The exercise in endurance began at 7:30 a.m., Jan. 14th, at NorCal Strength & Conditioning training warehouse. Throughout the ordeal folks have been supporting Lou, both in person (dancing encouraged!) as well as online viewers posting comments on Facebook and on the livestream.

Ok, gotta run; I hear Lou rockin' out to the BeeGees "Stayin' Alive."  (How appropriate!)

Update 1/18/10:  Lou completed 109 hours of straight drumming--not long enough to beat the 120 hour record.  Kudos to him, though, for raising awareness of the plight of the arts in our public schools!


  1. Thank you for your support Laura!

    The event resulted in securing my place in world wide history as one of only three drummers to ever perform past 100 hours, and the second longest marathon performance ever.

    Over 47,000 people worldwide tuned in to watch the stream live! A great accomplishement for Chico and my local team!

    --Lou Mars
    Official website

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog, Lou. You made Chico proud!


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