Thursday, January 22, 2009

Klean Kanteen

Another wonderful locally-owned Chico company, Klean Kanteen, is thriving even in this challenging economy. I'm still using several Klean Kanteens I purchased several years ago and recently became a "fan" of the company on Facebook, just because I think it's such a great product--and a healthier, more ecological alternative to the Personal Hydration Plastic Bottle Syndrome. (Did you know 8 out of 10 of those bottles end up in the landfill, even though they are recyclable?)

My dear friend Robin emailed to say she had just been thinking about looking for just such a thing when she saw the link on my Facebook page. So I dutifully pulled up the Klean Kanteen web site to email to her and noticed they have now branched out to meet the needs of BOTH ends of the generational spectrum, with the new 12 oz. "Sippy" as well as wine carafes for the 21+ crowd. All now offered in a rainbow of colors. (P.S. They make great gifts!)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow Goose Festival

Well the wonderful 10th annual SNOW GOOSE FESTIVAL is nearly upon us, with field trips, speakers, workshops, exhibits and the increasingly-popular "Gathering of Wings" banquet with both silent and live auctions and raffle. The featured speaker is Ed Harper, photographer, expert birder, and world traveler. This festival is just one of the things that makes living in Butte County so great.
It takes a lot of folks to put on a major event like this. Check out the list of sponsors who have donated time and/or funds to make this outstanding event happen.
During past festivals I've gone on field trips to the Sutter Buttes (which, as you may know, is an "by invitation only" place, so this is a rare opportunity) and the Black Butte Lake area and have attended many lectures and slideshows. It's a great event attended by folks from all over the planet. Check out the schedule and sign up for a field trip or workshop!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New School Offers Hope

This evening I attended a fundraising dinner for the newly-opened Rose Scott K-12 Learning Community, a school for students with ADHD and autism. Founder and Director/Lead Teacher Cindy Carlson was on hand to talk about the school and the role it plays in helping children who don't "fit the mold." According to their brochure, the school emphasizes the arts, music (which the kids LOVE), science, social studies, math, language, physical exercise, peace studies, compassionate communication, service learning, sustainability and preparedness for life success. Sounds like a curriculum to which ALL of our schools should aspire! I truly admire Cindy and her staff of volunteers for dedicating themselves to offering hope to children (and their parents) who may find the "regular" classroom setting a frustrating, esteem-sapping place.
Note: the school could use help in a number of areas--funds, supplies and volunteer hours (just two per week). They are currently looking for a drum set for their music room. Please contact Cindy at 354-3101 or if you can help. Thanks!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Starling Air Dance

One of the more amazing things I've ever witnessed! I shot a brief video of this Starling Air Dance (as I'm calling it) on Thanksgiving in Healdsburg. Wonder who does the choreography?

Any of you ever seen such a graceful display of aeroballet?

(That's STARLING, Tasha, NOT "SKYRAT"!) ; )

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Polar Bear Swim

If you missed it this year, mark your calendar for next year's Annual New Year's Day Polar Bear Swim at One Mile in Bidwell Park. It's a blast! I took along my handy little Flip Videocam this year; CLICK HERE to check out the fun video (complete with pre- and post-swim interviews of the brave swimmers!). In the 26 years I've lived in Chico, I can honestly say I've never once been tempted to take the plunge. But it sure is fun to watch (as evidenced by the throngs of cheering, towel-bearing fans waiting on the other side of the pool). Hmmmm... maybe 2010? Which reminds me, do you think we'll be saying "Two Thousand Ten" or shorten it to the simpler "Twenty-Ten"?