Monday, April 27, 2009
New Listing - 1823 Capstone Ct., Chico, CA

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day

Happy Earth Day, Mother Earth! I'm sure anyone driving (or better yet, walking or biking) down the Esplanade here in Chico has noticed the "Earth Day" flags these past few weeks. The Earth Day flag was designed in 1970 by Earth Day founder John McConnell, inspired by the first photos taken during America's Apollo 10 space missions in 1969.
The "Earth Flags of Chico" project was passed unanimously by the City Council in March of 2007 in support of "green initiatives and ecological responsibility." I think they are a good reminder to us all to do whatever we can to take care of this amazing planet we call home.
(Click here for a list of Earth Day activities occurring this month.)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Chico Cozy

"Chico Cozy" vs. "ChicoLaura Cozy"!
Popping into a local java shop the other day before hitting the road, I noticed a display on the counter featuring a new local product: The "Chico Cozy." It's an "eco-friendly alternative to the cardboard sleeve." Another clever, innovative idea by a fellow Chicoan! The Chico Cozy web site says their product is "named for the town in which it is made...A vibrant city with small-town appeal, Chico possesses a great sense of community and an appreciation for the environment."
So what do you think about my "ChicoLaura Cozy"? It's a little something I knitted up with leftover yarn a year or so ago after my daughter-in-law, Eva, made several (much nicer than mine) versions from a pattern she found.
If you want the "Chico Cozy," go to their web site to order. (It would make a great gift for your environmentally-aware-caffeine-loving friends.) If you want the "ChicoLaura Cozy," email me to make an appointment to meet at the yarn shop!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Get Out the ZooToo Vote!

OMIGOSH! Don't forget to VOTE for the Butte Humane Society animal shelter in the ZooToo.com nationwide contest beginning 9:00 a.m. TODAY, April 13th! You can vote 10 times a day, and the voting continues until Sunday, April 19th. Our little Chico shelter has made it into the Top 10, and the push is ON! Practice a not-so-random act of kindness for our less fortunate little furry friends; cast your votes now for our shelter! Click here to get started. (No worries if you don't have a pet or a photo of you and your pet; any profile photo will do.)
UPDATE: Our Chico shelter took 2nd PLACE in the ZooToo contest! In addition to the excellent exposure for Butte Humane Society (and increased adoptions and donations), the cash award of $50,000 will be a huge help toward improving conditions for our local animals. Kudos to everyone who helped with this very worthwhile endeavor!
Friday, April 10, 2009
New Cal Park Listing!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Top Ten on ZooToo!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
ZooToo Visits Chico!

Visit the Butte Humane Society ZooToo page by clicking here.
If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering or being involved in building a much-needed new shelter, please contact Heather Schoeppach (Executive Director) at 530-894-9066.
Stay tuned for an update on our ZooToo rankings!