OMIGOSH! Don't forget to VOTE for the Butte Humane Society animal shelter in the ZooToo.com nationwide contest beginning 9:00 a.m. TODAY, April 13th! You can vote 10 times a day, and the voting continues until Sunday, April 19th. Our little Chico shelter has made it into the Top 10, and the push is ON! Practice a not-so-random act of kindness for our less fortunate little furry friends; cast your votes now for our shelter! Click here to get started. (No worries if you don't have a pet or a photo of you and your pet; any profile photo will do.)
UPDATE: Our Chico shelter took 2nd PLACE in the ZooToo contest! In addition to the excellent exposure for Butte Humane Society (and increased adoptions and donations), the cash award of $50,000 will be a huge help toward improving conditions for our local animals. Kudos to everyone who helped with this very worthwhile endeavor!
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