I hadn't thought about this in a while, but every time the Olympics roll around, I'm reminded of the semester in college when I took a gymnastics class. (I can still feel those hip bruises from my fledgling attempts at learning the basics of the uneven bars!) It amazes me now that I even had the nerve to try my hand at the various bars and balance beam, not having been particularly athletic as a child, but there you have it. Anyway, it occurred to me (while watching those spandex-clad, woodnymph-like creatures defy gravity) that performing gymnastics is kind of like working in real estate (ok, THAT'S a stretch, right?!). Even after years of practice, each escrow is like a challenging balancing act, and no two are alike. There may be unforeseeable/unavoidable bumps along the way, maybe even a slip-up here or there on the part of one of the many "players," but it's my job to see the "routine" through--to the best of my ability--to a successful "dismount" (close of escrow). While it's always our goal to have a perfect "10" experience for our clients, a real estate transaction is rarely without an occasional "balance check." But, as we in the biz say, "If there were never any problems, they wouldn't need us!"
Now here's something you don't see often: click here to see a MALE uneven bars gymnast! And if you enjoyed that one, here's one more: an amazing balance beam routine by the same Olympic hopeful. Enjoy! ; )
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